Friday, February 20, 2009

Everybody wants to be a Cat! (we recently watched Aristocats on youtube)

This is our sweet Kitty, Finnegan. We got him just about a year ago now! I can't believe we've had him that long. We adopted him from the SPCA.

He has brought so much fun and joy to our household! Especially to Eliza's life. He's the closest thing she's got to a sibling-haha.

When we we're trying to decide on a cat that would be good for us, we brought Mika and Eliza to the "adoption room" at the SPCA and tried to see how he would handle a nervous dog and a "handsy" toddler.

He did fabulously. We thought he was a girl because he was soo pretty and was in a pink cage and his cage was mislabeled. Oh, well. Lots of people still call him a she, but he's alright with that. People do that to Mika too.

Finnegan is an extrovert kitty (my friend who pet-sits for us when we go out of town calls him a cat-whore) and almost immediately jumps in visitors' laps. (We lock him up lots of times to avoid this for non-cat enthusiasts and allergic people.)

He LOVES to snuggle up in your lap or by my side when I'm sleeping. He's always up for a cuddle, which reminds me a lot of Steve- hehe. Hopefully Steve's not embarrassed by me saying that. Actually, when I think about it, most of the things I've said about Finnegan are pretty similar to Steve, except for the whole 'jump in stranger's laps thing' and being mistaken for a pretty girl - haha! But we've joked about how many similarities there are b/t Steve and Finnegan (always thinks they're hungry, gets up in the morning with Eliza, hates water in their faces, likes to claw the carpet (jk!)).

He's almost always up for a game too and is very playful. Definitely a must for a house cat. No one wants a grouchy kitty.

He also kills bugs for us, which I love, but also kills the shrews that he finds around the house which is kinda sad to me, but I guess I'm glad they're not in my house or whatever.

What's the BEST about him, though, is that Finnegan is a very loyal devotee to Eliza.

Every day when Eliza wakes up from her nap or in the morning and starts crying or making noise, Finnegan comes to us MEOWING very loudly to let us know that something's up!

This was pretty annoying when we were trying to sleep train Eliza and still in the mode of her crying herself to sleep, and now it's annoying when Eliza wakes up at 5am and cries for a little while (and would normally, eventually roll over and go back to sleep) but Finnegan starts letting off his meow sirens. Steve especially HATES this.

BUT I think it's sweet that he's so devoted to Eliza.

He lets her tackle him and give him big suffocating hugs. His favorite place to nap is in her room. He loves to "share" her crackers, which I think is gross, but Eliza thinks is hilarious.

And the best is when they play together:


Just Katy said...

That cat is a St. We should have him over so he can teach Battle some manners.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful kitty and personality.

jenaprn08 said...

He is a sweet kitty. You got a great match for your family.

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

Finnegan rocks. I love it when Eliza tackles him and he just takes it.
