Saturday, August 23, 2008

Midnight Musings

a) "All bad poetry is sincere." -Oscar Wilde

I'm really sorry, but I HATE when people (mostly my clients) want to show me their poetry. Eek! I feel like I often respect people for making the attempt to write poetry, but I'm always more concerned about whether my reaction will sound convincing enough. It's like opening up presents in front of the gifter.

Because seriously, no one shows you their poetry for you to say, "Well, that sucked!" or "I'd stick to personally journal writing..." So, in response I try to use lots of hyperboles and appreciative grunts and profound expressions. Such as, "Hmmm................Wow!"

b)I like to do the rowing machine at the gym, but I realized that I usually end up humming to myself the Pocahontas song, "Just around the river bend-- Look once more! Just around the river bend! Beyond the shore!" and that's all I know of it. Over and over as I row... I am Pocahontas for like 10 minutes every day.

c)Eliza loves youtube. Yeah, there's Elmo's World on Youtube.

d) Eliza apparently forgot how to walk. All she does now until when she collapses for a nap or bedtime is RUN, RUN, RUN!!! Thankfully this means 3 hour naps and 12 hour nights. Unfortunately, it means Steve and I have a lot of catching up to do.

a)We spend most of our adolescence and young adult life searching for that special someone, and then once we find them, we spend most of our adult life working apart from them and living parallel lives where we wish we could just spend a little more time with our one and only's. What's up with them apples?

Curse money and confused priorities. That's why every once in a while, I flirt with the idea of joining the local commune where I'd be guaranteed to spend at
least 50 hours/wk with my lover, Steve. And that's waking hours, not just lying next to each other asleep.

b)It took us days to teach Eliza how to sign and say, "please," but it only took her two seconds to learn how to hit herself in the head and laugh or shake her head back and forth while yelling, "ahhh!" She saw us (well, Steve) do these things, tried them out herself and then saw how we laughed when she did it... and now she won't stop. Awesome.

Does popcorn count as a meal? It's got lots of fiber...


With my new hours at work, I don't get off until after midnight a couple nights a week. Sometimes, if it's been an especially crazy or stressful night (client decompensates and gets suicidal, aggressive, etc), I have some trouble unwinding enough to fall asleep.

Steve usually tells me stories to help me fall asleep, but I didn't want him to have to wait up for me on nights like these. So being the sweet, sweet man that he is, he pulls up the website of Librivox Recordings on the computer before he goes to sleep.

They are the site for the "acoustical liberation of books in the public domain." Volunteers record chapter books that are no longer copyrighted.
Steve subscribes to their blog, where they post half a dozen or so new audio books every day. So the past few weeks, I've been lulled to sleep listening to some British lady's rendition of The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald. Dreamy...


Abby said...

It is funny how that works out, isn't it? You seem to be having fun every once in a while. ;)

jenaprn08 said...

I used to struggle to unwind after work. I don't know what the best thing is, but I know what isn't good...eating to relax. I did that for years and struggle now to lose that weight. Popcorn is great for unwinding though....
I, too, have thought about how ironic it is that the person we really love ends up being a person we only get to see sometimes...maybe it helps us appreciate the time we do have together,even it is just when we go to the grocery store together or for a walk around the block. I wish you lived closer so we could watch Eliza and give you two more time alone together....

Barbara said...

It may be hard to imagine now but before you know it Eliza will be grown and gone. Then you will have more time with Steve. :)
I am looking forward to seeing a video of Eliza running!

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

1. Librivox rules. There are also some great podcasts I've found of more professional (and still free) books on tape. I recently enjoyed "Huck Finn" and Plato's "Republic" after brief iTunes searches.

2. I hope I win the lottery or something or have some unknown rich uncle or something so I have time to chill with my soul mate.

3. I want to see Eliza shake her head and go "Aaaahhhhhh!" I do that too.

4. Weird. I get that Pocahontas song stuck in my head more than I'd like too. Except I know more of the words than you...

That is all.

Just Katy said...

Enjoyed the musings. I love librivox too and my thoughts on popcorn: Drink it with milk and it's basically as good if not better than a bowl of cereal which counts as a meal in my book.
