Charlottesville's roads and organization is bad. It's a very confusing town to get used to driving in for several reasons. I think it's mostly because it sprung up around the UVA campus and then everything else just kind of happened helter-skelter too.
Anywayz, I feel like the traffic here which is usually pretty bad has become UNBEARABLE with the Christmas season. Ever since Thanksgiving, I have wanted to pull my hair out.
I wish with the cheerful gift giving season, our traffic jams could look something like this:
Instead it reminds me of this:
The Invite reads:
As yoinked from Urban Dictionary:
1. christmas zombie
Days before Christmas, people become blind and get tunnel vision, causing them to only see what is in front of them, putting them into a trance like state while looking for the perfect gift. This effect usually happens two days before christmas.
Guy: Dude, what was up with that chick driving the Esclade, she almost hit you.
Guy 2: Forget her, she was a christmas zombie.
Please join us in the celebration/degredation of this phenomenon in a much more enjoyable version:
What: Christmas Zombie Pub Crawl
When: Tuesday, December 23 (Christmas Eve Eve) at 8:30 PM
WTB: We will don the most hideous Christmas garb we can find (think puffy paint and bells on candy cane sweaters) and zombify ourselves. Then the gaggle of zombies will tour the Corner area in search of the brains of any lingering students. If all goes well, we may end up singing zombie karaoke at Baja Bean or going zombie carrolling around town. Practice up since some of us discovered that it's very difficult to sing like a zombie.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas!!! Especially the part where I get to see my family!! I can't wait for next week. I'm just grateful that I've finished my Christmas shopping, and it only involved one actually store trip. The rest I did online! Yay for Ebay!
But for now, I'm scared to venture out from my neighborhood. It shouldn't be too hard since I'll be working 5 out of the next 6 days!
Happy Holidays! (for real)
What an interesting concept; Christmas zombies. I am so glad not to feel that way this year. Other years I could totally relate.
I know what you mean about the traffic. We live really close to a big shopping area and sometimes traffic gets so bad, I just turn around and go home.
Little Lexington is overflowing with traffic. I try to avoid shopping on the weekends.
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