Thursday, November 6, 2008

Poor doggy

I've had my dog, Mika, since I was 16. He was a rescue from a puppy mill, so they weren't quite sure how old he was when I got him. He's probably about 10 yrs old.

If you don't like pets or are easily disturbed by bodily functions you should stop reading now. But Mika started peeing blood this last week. It's happened before but not to this extent. We took him in to the Vet's on Monday, and they ran some blood tests on him.
Yesterday they told me that he has a mass in his bladder along with a UTI. They put Mika on anti-biotics for the UTI, but the mass is more complicated. If they were really going to try to figure out if it were benign or cancerous they would have to perform surgery and do a biopsy and then still have to put him on medicine to treat whatever it is. All of that would cost at least $1000, money we don't really have just lying around. The medicine we get him already cost us around $400 this week.
Mika's been my unconditionally loving buddy longer than anyone/thing else- b/c honestly, pets' love is way more unconditionally than any human's complex affection. All they want is some food, water, and to be petted. And if I take Mika on a walk he's ecstatic-- it's like Christmas morning for him.
So here's where I get to write my sappy Mika love stories because this is my blog, and I can be overly dramatic or sappy if I want. And I know, pets get old and die, but that doesn't really make this that much easier for me.
Mika comforted me through my first break-up and through my wretched (lots of wretching) morning sickness when I was living alone in Provo in a teeny one room apartment. Right after I got off the phone with my mom after finding out that Amber had killed herself, the first thing I did was to cry into Mika's fur and then give him a complete brushing and hair trim. He's no fair weather buddy, which is impressive considering the hell Eliza has put him through the last year and a half.
So I'm worried about him, and we'll have to do ultrasounds every month to see if the mass is growing. Poor doggy.
(This post was obviously by Amy. I didn't realize Steve was still signed in.)


Leigh This Way said...

Amy I am soo sorry. I know this has got to be so hard. I don't know what I would ever do if I lost Belle and we've only had her for a year.
Your so right about animal's love. When Belle does something wrong and gets punished for it, its only a few seconds before she's in my lap tentatively licking my face, as if saying I'm sorry, don't be mad. Then she gets a pat from me and she perks right back up. She doesn't care what I wear, how my hair looks, or that I've gained weight. She's still gonna be there for me.
I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this with Mika. You and Mika are in my prayers!

jenaprn08 said...

Mika has a best friend in you, too. He always perks up when you come in the room, he just puts up with the rest of us. Help him stay comfortable and happy. I believe dogs and cats "fill the measure of their creation" in ways that none of God's other creatures can. My life is so much richer because of the animals I have loved and been loved by.

Libbi said...

You know I always say I LOVE animals but dislike pets and it is true...I hope that doesn't make me a selfish pig but I always have my plate more than full with responsibilities and I have never felt the need for a pet...HOWEVER; I have loved many animals (in other's families)and grieved with my Dad over the loss of his so my heart goes out to you...of course animals are meant to live and then are people but when my nephew died, my sister was devastated even though she knew and understood that plan. I think your mom said it best but then I always have thought she is really in tune. I am sorry Mika is hurting and that you are hurting. I love reading your rants and raves...not that I have thought of them as are really truly real Amy and a very special daughter of God! (and your daughter is so precious!!!)

Barbara said...

How sad that Mika is not well. I am sure that must be incredibly upsetting for you. My pets have always been a great source of love and joy. However, I never do well with the part of them hurting... You and Mika are in my thoughts and prayers, Amy!
