Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Musings on MOM

I always knew that I wanted to be a mother. I was over-joyed when I found out that I was pregnant with Eliza. It felt like a gazillion Christmas mornings combined when I finally got to hold Eliza in my arms when she was my newborn babe. I have fallen madly in love with this little girl, Eliza Mae.
I'm not going to lie and say that I've loved every minute of being a mom- cuz seriously guys, if you just factor in the amount of POOP and other bodily fluids that you have to deal with as a mother and nothing else, you know there are moments that aren't pleasurable. There are also tears and frustration, stress and bewilderment.
BUT ... she's worth it!
I love my momma! She's my best friend and confidant! I value her wisdom, virtue, kindness, patience, and guidance-- I could go on and on. She's a beautiful woman who has faced many a challenge and hardship and persevered with such admirable strength and faith. My hero.
This mother's day was hard for me. Not just because Eliza refused to take a nap and had a tantrum during most of dinner. But it was hard. My mom and other dear friends and family helped me pull through it, though.
I want to be better at seeing all of the good things in my life, instead of the sad or bad ones that seem to overshadow me sometimes. I hope that the tone of this blog is a reflection of that effort!
My mom and I went to a store the Saturday before Mother's day. As I scoped out the little girls' dress section, Mom took Eliza to another part of the store and let her pick out a present for me! Hehe. Thanks, Mom!
Mom said that Eliza kept saying that she wanted to get me something funny, that would make me laugh. She came up with several colorful necklaces, a "silly" shirt, and a Purple (of course) gift bag that reads, "You look funny when you dance." LOVED IT!
I know this is tardy, but THANK YOU to all the moms out there and all the mother figures who have helped nurture and guide me! ESPECIALLY my mom, my Oma, my Grandma Ruth, my aunts- Aunt Joan, Aunt Barbara, and Aunt Mer, and many other strong women who have helped me in ways they may never know!

Okay, I'm done with the sappy sentiments! Sorry if this post was sort of a stream of consciousness!


Jennifer said...

thanks for the nice post. You are an amazing Mom--you have made motherhood a priority in your life and are doing a great job!

Jean Bean said...

Oh, I loved this post!! I especially loved the honest of it. I can tell you value your role as a mother, and it is reflected in what a beautiful choice daughter you are raising. Mother like daughter, is what I've heard. :) You really are fantastic, though, and I admire the times I've seen you and Eliza interact. It's totally impressive for a woman who is easing into the idea of babies. :) Oh! AND, I love your expressions in the pics of you and Eliza on Mother's Day. So precious!
