Thursday, May 6, 2010


I Graduated!!

Dr. Arlene Andrews & I (+ Eliza who was totally DONE with the ceremony stuff)
(I was Dr. Andrews' graduate assistant this year. She is AMAZING-- one of the foremost authorities on child welfare policy and director of the Swk Ph.D. program! I learned a lot from her this year!!)

The Hooding took place on USC's historic horseshoe. It was a little hot but GORGEOUS! State Representative, Anton Gunn, was our keynote speaker. He was AWESOME-- alumnus of our program back in 2001.

'Cuz it's a Hood, right?!

Go Team Meldau!
Pictured above are my 3 top supporters/coaches/fans. I LOVE THEM SOoo Much and could NOT have made it through this last year w/o them!!!

Robby was reallllly, sweet and sent me this edible arrangement to congratulate me. I have ALWAYS wanted one of these- a bouquet made of edible fruit?? Best Idea EVER!

And we went out to EAT-- cuz that's how you celebrate in A-M-E-R-I-C-A!

So I am now an official, professional licensed, employed master of social work GRADUATE.

Hello, World!
-Amy Meldau, LMSW
*This post represents my official graduation announcement because I am poor and now have to begin to pay back my student loans*


Leigh This Way said...


BTW-I'm with on the down side about graduating is you get to start paying back you student loans. Yuck!

Just Katy said...

Woo-hoo!! Congratulations!! That robe looks awesome. I would wear it everywhere. I hope you wear it when you come up to visit us :)

Joan said...

Happy graduation!!! Wish you could come be a social worker for the people I see. The world needs more social workers!!!!

Libbi said...

OH AMY!!!!! so so happy for you and proud of will make a difference just like your Mama (she's still my role model)

Marie W said...

AWESOME job, Amy!!!! Congratulations!

Cole and Jenn said...

Yeah!!- Congrats- sorry i'm late, I haven't checked the blog lately. You looked sooooo good on your day! Knowledge is power- you go girl!!

Rebecca said...

Yay! Congratulations! That's such a huge accomplishment!

eNJay & B said...

Congratulations Amy! Great to hear. B

Beach Loveland said...

I love your hodding pic!
