That's right, Eliza started pre-school on May 3rd! It may seem like really random timing since the school year gets out at the end of May. However, Steve started working full-time, so we needed a more full-time gig for Eliza! She started at this WONDERFUL montessori school that Abby actually went to about 13 years ago! So Eliza has the same teacher that Abby did! Isn't that cool?
(Eliza always runs "laps" around the front lawn before she gets in the car in the morning! She's always rarrin' to go!)
2nd Day of School-- Tinker Bell lunch box included:
She looks sooo grown-up to me!! She's done really well transitioning to this new schedule and environment. Her teacher continues to reassure me that she is doing great and said that Eliza is a very loving child. Eliza cried several mornings during the first week but now walks into her classroom like a pro and gets to work!
It was funny today when we went to the library. We walked to the section that has puzzles in it, and there were puzzles left askew on the ground and shelves. Eliza saw the mess and said, "Somebody didn't clean up their work!" Yay for Montessori method! Already sinking in! I love how it teaches kids to be independent and take pride in the work they are capable of doing!
This summer Eliza will get to spend time in one of her montessori certified teacher's homes along with some fun-filled days with her Aunt Abby on the days that we're working!!
Steve and I really had to scramble to find child care for Eliza. It has taken quite some footwork, and I've been picking Eliza up at 2pm every afternoon and trying to do more of my work from home. I feel like we were very blessed to be able to start at the school that's so close to both Steve's and my job that has such an enriching and nurturing atmosphere, and that I finished school just DAYS before Steve started his full-time job. I appreciate that my hours are flexible, and that I get to be home all day with Eliza on Monday's and Friday's still!!
I know Heavenly Father is watching out for our family and helping us make things work! Recently in Relief Society, one of the discussions brought up the dilemma that faces many mothers who work but still want to be home to nurture their children. It reminded me of how grateful I am for personal revelation, and the opportunity that I have had to be a full-time mom and part-time worker since Eliza was ~5 months old. Financially, it might not be feasible for me to always work part-time, but I certainly cherish the time I do have with my girl!
Eliza does look so grown up! How wonderful you could find a good Montessori school for her. They are great schools.
I am so happy for y'all. The table of events are really working out. She looks big and mature! I remember abby going there too!- time really does fly!
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