Sunday, January 24, 2010

Princess Rewards

"I'm Cinderella!" Anounced Eliza as she ran into the dining room and did a twirl to show everyone her new dress.

We played with one of her friends who had princess dress-up dresses for the Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella. Eliza sobbed when it was time to take the Cinderella dress off and go home.

So, I started a behavior modification chart- aka sticker chart- last week for Eliza, and it's been working wonderfully! I had been having trouble motivating Eliza to brush her teeth, share with her cousin, clean up her toys, and get her hair done. So I made this chart while Eliza was drawing one night, and it's done wonders for her behavior!

(Legend- lips are for brushing teeth, 2nd row is cleaning up, heart is for sharing, and star is miscellaneous-- usually for not fighting when she gets her hair done or being nice to the pets. A few of her stickers have fall off.)

And when she gets seven stickers, she gets a toy! Hence, the cinderella dress.

This chart has made discipline around here a LOT more fun. I know some people are morally opposed to the reward system, but for now, it's working for us!


Just Katy said...

She's been doing awesome with R lately!

I think it's funny she always says she's Cinderella. I keep trying to tell her if she really wants to be C she needs to scrub the floor but she doesn't buy it.

jenaprn08 said...

She has had fun learning what we want her to do--I think incentive systems for reinforcing desired behavior make sense. I appreciate my paycheck!

Barbara Irwin said...

Eliza is a cute princess!

Cole and Jenn said...

Cute. I love the chart too!

Libbi said...

I do believe our Heavenly Father rewards us with blessings when we are you're in good company!! she is adorable! and your toes look a lot better than my nails do when I do my own!
