Monday, February 1, 2010

Pedicure Reciprocated!

So I promise that I change Eliza's clothes. She just requests her Cinderella dress most evenings!

This evening, in an effort to convince Eliza to let me trim her fingernails and toenails, I got out my nail polish (that I'd recently purchased after Aunt Mer recommended a pedicure to help me do something nice for myself. $1 nail polish from Wal-Mart probably wasn't what she had in mind, but I'd lost my nail polish in my last move anyways, so I thought I'd restock.)

Eliza loved the idea of getting her nails painted. I put a towel down on the ground and tried to paint her nails, even though they were a slightly moving target. She admired my work after I finished.

And then, she being the altruistic child that she is, wanted to return the favor!
"Mommy, now it's your turn! I do your nails!" Uhhh... and I forgot to say no. But at least I said toes only, right?? After all, I didn't want to crush her little creative spirit or something.

I think her results were pretty good for a two year old who kept painting even while turning her head away to watch the TV show! Haha.

I need to find the nail polish remover. At least it's not sandal season!!


jenaprn08 said...

Wow, you are a brave Mom!--good incentive for trimming her nails tho, AEM! Seeing her picture makes me miss her even more. i need to get back soon...

Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! What a great mom! I don't know if I'd let my nieces to that but you're right, at least its not summer!

Sarah H said...

That's sweet. I love nail painting with my nieces. but sometimes it is more skin that is painted than nail. :-)

Cole and Jenn said...

good times, my favorite bonding times with the nieces and sisters. Something about pampering, serving, altogether. And Eliza did amazing!!! I don't even know some 6 year olds that can do that good!

Morgan said...

Having kids can be very good for those of us with OCD tendencies. She is such a sweetie!
