Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking forward

I hope that 2010 will be a year of new beginnings for me. And not just because I'm the new Laurel Advisor (hehe, YW allusions are the funniest- not really).
I was just thinking about what I look forward to accomplishing this year, and it got me excited instead of filled with horrible anxiety and panic!
So I thought I'd savor that train of thought while I can by publishing it via the BLOG.

I am looking forward to Beginning New by...

  1. Graduating! The biggest one, definitely! I cannot WAIT to walk across the stage on May 8th to be awarded with my Masters of Social Work degree. That will be FAN-freakin-tastic. It's still going to take a lot of work between now and May 8th to get to that point, but I know I can do it! (right?) Although, I am procrastinating writing my first paper right now by blogging...

  2. Passing my Licensure Exam! I just mailed in my application to sit for my exam in February!! I, obviously, really hope that I can pass the first time I take it, but if not, I'll take it again in May and pass!!! Then I will be Amy Meldau, LMSW! SWE-EET!

  3. Get my first job as an LMSW and my first FULL-Time job since having Eliza. I'm not excited about thinking of being gone from Eliza, but I am really excited about getting a job to be able to SUPPORT Eliza and myself!!! And getting a job in this economy will truly be something to celebrate.

  4. Finalizing my Divorce. I'm not looking forward to that because I think divorce is a great thing or whatever, but more because getting through the big pile of legal crap will be quite the accomplishment... AND because it represents a huge new beginning for myself, and I am FINALLY in a place in my life where I can look forward to that. So anyone who is cynical/crazy enough to have a "you're offically divorced party!" with my in July-- here's your official invite. just kidding... Oh, and another part of this is getting to change my hyphenated name back to the original and glorious, Amy Meldau. (That is what I am already going by for anyone interested in calling me by my first and last name).

  5. Eliza's 3rd birthday!! I can't believe that I'll have a THREE year old! Ahh! It's insane! I love Eliza to death and am so excited to start another year with MY GIRL! Plus, at age 3, Eliza will be able to start at the Montessori preschool!!! That will be awesome!

  6. Generally, I am excited to be living life with the new zest, freedom, and peace of mind that I've been able to restore in my soul recently with the help of my Savior, my Heavenly Father, a great therapist, my family, and my routines from!

So now, I'll leave these hopes and dreams here and in the future where they belong, and go back to living in the present and learning to ENJOY where I am right now, this minute, in my life!


jenaprn08 said...

thoughtful positive post on the "new beginnings" for your next year. I am so impressed you survived last year...whew! 2010 is going to be a great year for you.

Just Katy said...

Onward and Upward!

Joan said...

Sounds great that the coming year will be so eventful and in an exciting way. I'm up for celebrating which ever event I can with you!

Barbara said...

Great job, Amy! Congrats for all you have accomplished so far. 2010 looks like a very exciting year.

Sarah H said...

2010 is a big year for you. Good Luck with school and all ahead of you. Speaking of divorce parties/gifts -- that came up on Regis and Kelly today. I hadn't heard of them before, but I'll take any excuse for a good party.

Barbara said...

When my divorce was final several of my coworkers and I went out to dinner to celebrate. It felt so good to be supported and cared for.

Libbi said...

did you know Pete met me at a place (ok it was a bar but we were not members!)when his co-workers took him out to celebrate his divorce??? We were married 6 months later. I'm just saying, is all...
