Saturday, January 9, 2010

Funny Eliza Quotables

When we turned the lights out in the room, Eliza yelled, "I can't see my blue eyes!"

Some of you have already heard this one, but Eliza and I were talking about how there were germs in the toilet, and with great concern in her voice, Eliza said, "Mommy, you fell in the toilet when you were a little girl?" Apparently she was ready to comfort me for my past trauma!

Eliza: "I need something."
Me: "What do you need?"
Eliza: "Something PERFECT!"

When I tell Eliza it's time to go to bed, she says to me, "Mommy, I a little bit hungry! I need icecream."

Eliza still asks what everyone and everything is think or saying. Today she was asking me what the car was saying. So she said...
Eliza: "Mommy, you be the car."
Me: "Okay."
Eliza: "Hey car! I Eliza! You want to go to the library?"

We were playing a drawing game on the computer that had a bomb sticker that you can put on it. Eliza asked me what it was and I told her it was a bomb.
Eliza said, "It's a bum?"
Me: "A bomb, baahhhm."
Eliza: "A bum," as she pats herself in the bum.
Me: "No, a bomb. Bombs blow up when you set them on fire."
Eliza: "I want to play with fire."


jenaprn08 said...

Those are some classics!

Joan said...

Some times I think I need ice cream too...

Just Katy said...

Ha. Eliza is hilarious. She told me like 3 or 4 jokes tonight and all of them were awesome.

Sarah H said...

Ah, I love it when kids start talking. My favorite is how she wants to play with fire.

Barbara said...

Eliza's comments are so entertaining! It is amazing how her mind works.

Anonymous said...


Morgan said...

the fire one was my favorite too! I totally am with her on the wanting something perfect, yet not knowing what exactly it is.

Mikelene said...

That last quote, about wanting to play with fire, is why Eliza HAS to be at the Marsh's NYE party next year. She can learn from the pro pyro, Bishop! :) That's what my girls did this year....
