Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our October ABC's

A is for our Hyundai ACCENT that drove Eliza and I smoothly and safely through the 756 miles of road to and from SC. And for the Awesome DVD player playing Bambi and Elmo in the back seat.

B is for Burger King where we took a break after 3 hours of driving for some much needed re-fueling and free reign running in the play place.
(Eliza dips her french fries in the ketchup and then sucks the ketchup off and dips again. When that frie gets too soggy, she throws it on the ground and grabs another crispy one. Yum, right?)

C is for climbing, with the dolly, into the dishwasher while the dogs watched jealously.
D is for pretty, pretty dresses that accompanied pretty pretty voices, or at least one pretty voice in particular by a very pretty sister!
E is for Exercise! Time to run run run, just like Aunt Abby!
F is for Funny Faces from Father's who don't want their pictures taken or posted on blogs.
G is for Grocery shopping and getting to drive the awesome giant cart cars! It lasted about 3/4ers of the trip which is major points in my book! Eliza loved "steering." However, by the end when she wanted out and was turning around and trying to reach in to grab food items, she really looked like she was locked in some kinda cage... it was sad and funny.

H is for Hide 'n Go Seek while shopping! aka Eliza runs and I chase and get very tired.
I is for the icecream that is spilt all down Eliza's shirt and for the "Eye" stickers that she loves to put in her hair making her look like a three eyed, red paci, melted chocolate Eliza Monster!
J is for Jenny, my mom, who looks super hot and skinny in this dress we found for my uncle's wedding next month and thanks to her self-mastery of food intake and losing like >20 lbs this summer! What up, hot momma!? Seriously, my mom and dad should open up their own gym or weight loss center one of these days.

K is for Kidding around with Aunt Abby and Zara way too late at night!

(Zara is the coolest dog, by the way. Eliza was sobbing once from landing face first into the basketball she had been trying to carry in my parent's front yard. But one glance at Zara trying to fenagle her fetching stick out of the jasmine bush, and Eliza was CRACKING UP even though tears were still freshly dripping down her cheeks. It was awesome. Maybe our next dog should be a miniature poodle because that dog is so sweet and also wicked smart.)
L is for Lexington and for beautiful sunsets on Lake Murray. I miss Lexington so much sometimes! I LOVE these little reunions with my hometown.
M is for Macaroni! Eliza's favorite meal ever (for now), she's actually learned how to use a fork or spork and do the very advanced stab and scoop all the way to her mouth. However, you can tell by her shirt that her skills are still being perfected.

N is for Nursery Rhymes sung and shown to 'Liza about an Old Woman who swallowed a fly and eventually a cow and horse and then died, of course.
O is for Oma!! (Grandma for you non-German speakers). Eliza was in LOVE with her Oma this trip. She wanted my mom to carry her everywhere and hold her in her lap a LOT. It was a nice break for me.
P is for Pig Tails! I'm so excited Eliza's hair is long enough for this now! Stylin'!

Q is for this chalk Q -- or my beautiful chalk creation that Eliza changed into a Q by striking through it with her orange chalk piece. Now it's modern art open to interpretation.

R is for Ruby Tuesday Dance Party!

S is for Sitting in the foilage in neighbors' yards for no apparent reason...

T is for Eliza TRYING to Take the pictures instead of letting me do it.

U is for Unmatched Pajama's per Daddy.

V is for the beautiful Virginia Views we came home to in the Shanondoah Valley!

W is for We really missed Dadda/Steve!! Eliza kept saying, Go! and going to the door and saying, Dadda? Several times a day while we were in SC.

X is for X-nay on police speeding traps in Nelson county that gave me an eXcellent $60 speeding ticket in Nelson County for going 70 in a 60. Boo. :(

Y is for Yummy Meldau dinners. Broiled Salmon with Couscous, Apple Turkey Sausage with peppers and Onions, and getting stocked up on road trip snacks for the ride back! Yum, yum, Yum.

Z is for Zebra Sweaters!

Thanks Meldau's for your warm welcome and putting up with our demanding (1 1/2 yr old's) lifestyle! We love you and miss you already.

I came home from our trip and had 94 pictures and 4 videos. So count yourself lucky that I only used 26 photos and 2 videos...


jenaprn08 said...

Thanks so much for the fun post! The photos bring back lots of fun memories and I love hearing 3 sweet girls (Amy,Abby and Eliza) laughing together!

Leigh This Way said...

That is soo cute!! I know what you mean about the whole ketchup thing. Chloe is like that with anything that requires dipping, fries, carrots, chicken nuggets. Its quite a challenge to get her the eat the actual food. The post was so cute! Eliza is one cute little girl!

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

Eliza rocks my world. I was pleased to note at roughly 0:16 on the video at Ruby Tuesday that she was once again doing a "rock on" sign with her hand (well, "rock on" by way of "I love you") whilst jamming. You're not hardcore unless you live hardcore indeed, Eliza Mae.

Barbara said...

What a clever way to display your fun pictures from your trip. thank you for shaaring them. They are great!!!
