Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Twirlin' and Talkin'

*Please excuse the mess. Eliza loves spreading out our
DVD collection and her book collection across the living room floor.

Between last Wednesday and today, Eliza learned how to say "Go!" and not the baby version of go that really sounds like "glubah!" and her doting parents insist that she means go, but for real this time. She usually pairs her Go's with an enthusiastic arm thrust that makes her look like Super Man right before he takes off flying. It's neat. This morning she also learned how to "moo" like a cow and "quack" like a duck! So she can add that to her animal sound repertoire.

This morning when I asked her if she wanted more grapes, she answered me with, "Yessth!" I was really surprised and impressed by her mastering of this word and also think that her lisp is freakin' adorable.

Saturday she learned how to twirl in circles. I personally think she learned it from watching my mom's standard poodle, Orah, do her amazing break dance/crazy twirls when told to roll over.

Keep up the good work, 'Liza!


Unknown said...

She's really adding vocabulary quickly! It's fun to hear which words she chooses to learn...I love that she learned to say yes before no...good job, Amy and Steve! (She does have a fierce "uh-uh-uh"!)

Just Katy said...

I love her yessth. It's the cutest thing I've seen in about a thousand years. And I love how her sheep growl-baa.

Rebecca said...

I love watching Eliza grow up. It makes me excited for all of Lydia's next stages.

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

Eliza's sheep exist in a nightmare world, which is awesome. I'm pumped to experience her lispy Yessth. Best niece in the world.
