Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dog Food-- The Great Motivator

Eliza finally has mastered crawling. What was it that finally gave her the motivation to take the plunge and conquer this skill? None other than Iam's Dog food...

I guess it's good we're not raising a picky eater, right?

Check it out:

And here's another quick video of Eliza and Finnegan in a traffic jam!

I mentioned in my previous post that we had the privilege of a visit from my mom this week. Yay! I finally found the camera where we had a couple of pictures of the visit. I wish I had taken more!What do you think? Do we look related?

Poor Mom, Eliza wanted to nurse, and I made her pose for the camera!

It's been a busy few weeks, and Eliza has a cold right now, poor girl. But she's been quite the trooper while I've been trying to knock out these trainings for work.
She's been quite the social kid waving at and clapping with everyone. She got to show off her skills at the pediatrician's office for her 9 mnth check up this week. My mom and Katy were nice enough to take Eliza to the appointment and met our awesome pediatrician, Dr. Schauer-- They thought she was great just like we do (which is saying something with Mom's expertise and Katy's selective taste ;))

Eliza got cleared to add some great foods to her diet! She can basically eat whatever we eat now with just the few exceptions of nuts, shellfish, cow's milk, and honey!

Her favorite dinner this week was spaghetti! I wish we had taken a picture. By the time Eliza was done, she was a completely orange kid! Orange cheeks, nose, hands, shoes, pants, floor, high chair, etc. But she LOVED the pasta. She was just slurping the noodles up like a pro!

She was eating some of our baked Ziti earlier this week too, and she was inhaling the noodles at such a rate, Steve and I were looking around to see where they had gone. We thought that maybe she had been throwing them down somewhere and the dog was eating it, but it was all her! She's a pasta-fiend!

She seems to not really care much for meat or cheese. She likes throwing it to Mika (the dog) more than eating it (which he's in puppy heaven about). I haven't tried any of the baby canned meat yet. It just looks too disgusting to me. Maybe we'll try it later. I just figure that it looks gross enough in the jar, I don't want to see what it's gonna look/smell like in diaper form later! Sorry if TMI.

Eliza's other recent favorite food is cooked broccoli. Steve thought she was throwing it down too since it was disappearing so quick! She packs the whole little floret in her mouth and devours it! I think it's great to have a broccoli fan at such a young age!

Some of her other strange food affinities include lettuce, tamales (from Aqui Es Mexico), rice that she picks up like 2 or 3 at a time, and any other form of carbs.

But apparently Eliza is becoming a tall, skinny kid.

Her stats are:
Height: 28 1/4 in
Weight: 18.14 lbs.

Eliza has also been having fun pulling herself to standing. She did it tonight in the bath which was a little frightening. That's my baby!

I was so excited to have this Sunday off of work. It feels like such a treat to have a whole free afternoon to spend with Steve and Eliza! We took a great family nap- all 5 of us were passed out on the bed by 2:30: dog, cat, baby, mom, and dad! So much love.

And on the subject of love, I hope everyone has a great Valentine's week! Happy Birthday, Mom- one of my favorite Valentines!
Here's a pic of me and ELIZA from last Valentine's day! Eliza's come a long way!


Abby said...

I like the picture of the three generations of Meldaus. I like the outfit you have on when you were pregnant. I love the videos of her crawling. That was funny with Finnegan! Your house will never be the same with all your CDs, books, electric outlets and assorted objects... Happy Valentine's Day!

jenaprn08 said...

I can't believe how quickly she mastered crawling. On Wednesday she was still just taking a couple of paces forward and now she is zooming! Wow! Your life really will never be the same, but it will be more exciting. I am so glad you post, it helps us feel connected. Thanks for the fun post!

Just Katy said...

Yeah, that's quite the learning curve on the crawling. She's moving now! It's fun to see
