Tuesday, April 21, 2009


That's me winking, in case you can't tell ;)

I learned quickly that if I was going to survive mommy-hood, there was no room for being a control freak. So it's been interesting picking my battles with my adorable toddler, Eliza Monster!!! Here are some confessions that I think are funny and not terrible enough to be locked deep in my mommy vault.

1. Yesterday, Eliza and I were leaving Mother Goose story time at the library and made a pit stop at the bathroom. While I was washing my hands, Eliza ran from one stall to the next flushing the toilet, then running to the next toilet and flushing that one and running back to the other, and so on. She did this like 5 times. I thought about how most moms would intervene. Instead I shrugged and rearranged the diaper bag in the stroller. Sanitary? No. Environmentally friendly conservation of water? No. Safe? Not so much.
2. Eliza and I were sharing oreo's this afternoon. Yum. We were dipping them in milk and munching. This got messy fast with 'Liza creating a chocolate goatee and chocolate coated hands. Eliza held her hands up to me and said, "Messy!" and then I realized that I apparently have not taught her to use napkins because she started trying to wipe her hand off on her dress. I stopped her and so she immediately started wiping her hands off on my skirt. Again, Yum. After wiping her down with wipes, I found residual damage on the ground that looked like chocolate rain splotches on our floor. More scrubbing ensued. (This is a confession also b/c I felt guilty about feeding her oreo's. But not really. More like I felt like I should feel guilty for giving her oreo's. Hence I felt guilty for not feeling guilty.)
3. Today Finnegan was resting on one of our chairs. Eliza found him and grabbed his tail and started pulling. Finnegan dug his claws into the chair. I looked up from whatever I was doing in the kitchen when I heard a dragging sound. Eliza was dragging the chair across the floor via the cat's tail. Poor Kitty.
4. Eliza dropped some yogurt covered raisins on the floor of the doctor's office this morning. I didn't even move to stop her. 10 second rule? Some other lady there was like, "Oh! don't eat that off the floor!" right as Eliza popped it into her mouth.

5. I put on a Little Einstein movie for Eliza to watch while I blogged about this.

6. I have started packing boxes slowly, getting ready for our move. I've gotten about 15 packed so far and a lot of organization done.
When I pack boxes, I put Eliza in a box. She loves it. Seriously.

(Eliza's wearing her Brazilian soccer outfit from Uncle Robby)

In other news, I've loved getting to play soccer this season. Steve and Eliza came to my last two games. Every time I got subbed in Eliza started sobbing as I ran onto the field. However, Steve said that she's been able to track me on the field. Apparently when I go in for a tackle, though, she often says, "Mommy, oh no!" or says "Uh oh!"
She has learned how to cheer, though! Steve said that during our last game, Eliza yelled, "Come on guys! Go!" So... she already cheers louder than Steve. Nice to have some fans! :)


Leigh This Way said...

With the toliet flushing episode, I'm glad that your child knows how to flush. It seems like everytime I go to the bathroom, I realize how many ADULTS forget to flush.

Joan said...

Wow. I'm very impressed with packing ahead of time.

jenaprn08 said...

I think it's important to pick your battles. Somethings kids love to do funny things that may bug some adults, but if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone else, why not have fun? I think it's important to set some limits, though too, but chose to set limits on things that really matter. I would choose being polite or saying thank know the sort of things I care about.
I am glad to hear you are packing!

jenaprn08 said...

wow, can you tell I am tired? Sorry my previous comment is so disjointed...

Cole and Jenn said...

It sounds like Eliza has the best mom in the world! Seriously. It's nice to hear someone enjoy their little one and let them learn. And I can just imagine Eliza pulling the cat. My niece likes to pull our dogs tail and run around the house with him. I think you're right, if you try to have things perfect, they won't get to use their imagination and learn.

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

Oh man, being in a box is the best. I miss playing in boxes. I wish I was in one right now.
