Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our Playground

Eliza and I love our new playground. We can see it from our bedroom window, down the hill from our new place. It's only like a 2 minute stroller ride away. Beautiful.

Eliza was playing peek-a-boo with me!

She LOVES to swing...

Don't worry, the merry-go-round wasn't moving. Lately, we've had the playground all to ourselves, which is great since Eliza's still in the parallel play stage. We take things slow and teeter around. I lead Eliza by one hand and hold the dog leash in the other.

It's so great to have the option of a park outing when the afternoon seems to be dragging by and Eliza's not ready for a nap but is getting fussy/bored. The dog LOVES it too...

So a stimulated baby and an ecstatic doggy and the warm spring sunshine altogether gives me one of those life-is-oh-so-nice kinda feelings.


bec said...

I didn't know those merry go rounds existed in parks anymore. I'm really jealous. They got ripped out of all the parks around me when I was a kid. so sad.

jenaprn08 said...

What great photos! I am so excited you have that close by...playgrounds don't have to be elaborate to be a lot of fun. It makes your new house even a better deal!

Abby said...

Wow! I can't wait until I can come play with y'all!
