Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BodyVive: Injury prone beginner...

So at the end of my "Power Peak" aerobics class at Gold's Gym this morning, they announced that they were starting a new class called BodyVive on so and so date and time.

I shouted across the room and asked them what kind of class it was. The instructor told us that it was a great low-impact aerobic, cardio class for "injury prone beginners" wherein you can burn a good 600 calories.

Considering I was the only one in our class who had managed to twist my ankle and fall on my butt during the workout and was coming back from an injured back and knee...

I figure this might be the class for me.

In the meantime, Eliza and I have been enjoying this
fitness DVD for mom and baby that incorporates yoga, pilates and infant massage.
It's really fun to be able to have Eliza involved in my workout. What I would really love is if I could have a mom and baby class at the gym, but we'll settle for my yoga mat in front of the TV.

The DVD is really cool and even has the option for the 50 minute workout to be divided into smaller segments because it knows how long a baby's attention span lasts! I found it at target (for anyone interested) a while ago and just rediscovered it during this week's packing frenzy!


jenaprn08 said...

What a great idea! It's amazing the things we find when we clean/pack/move...
