Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Eliza Accessorized!

I got a gift certificate from Katy a while back for this cute little jewelry store we have here.
Eliza and I took a visit to see what we could find on Monday since we were already in the same shopping center.

I directed Eliza to the basket of kids' toys that they keep in the corner of the store while I tried to scope out the selection. I turned around at one point to find that Eliza had COVERED herself with necklaces and bracelets! (I had only looked away for about 43 seconds, I swear!) I was really worried she'd break something or the store workers would get mad at us (they were really nice, though).

However, I managed to get all the jewelry off of Eliza and convince her to help me put stuff back since it was time to go. By the time I put the jewelry away, though, I found Eliza like this:

Two bracelets, a ring, a purse, and a stylin' hat! Adorable.

I shared my gift certificate, and Eliza and I found a pretty little girls' bracelet just for her. She loves it and has worn it every day this week.

Thanks, Kate!
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Just Katy said...

Wow! I hope you got that hat. It is Awesome!

Leigh This Way said...

She looks so adorable!

Jennifer said...

So stylish, she looks like quite the Southern belle.

Barbara said...

what a fun excursion!

Sarah H said...

Oh man, I love it! She's stylin'
