Monday, December 28, 2009

How well do you know Eliza? Quiz

Eliza has loved telling people what some of her favorite things are lately, ever since she was asked what her favorite animal was in gymnastics class in September!

Although, with some things, she has new favorites every day and loves to anounce, "That's my FAAAaaavorite!"

So I asked Eliza to report on some of her favorites. You can test your knowledge on how well you know Eliza or get to know her a little better from these clips!

1) What's her favorite animal?

2) What is her favorite color?

3) What is her favorite movie?

4) What is her favorite book?

5) Where is her favorite place to go?

6) What is her favorite TV show?

7) What is her favorite toy + Bonus Question: What's Reuben's favorite toy??

Answers: 1) Zebra 2) Purple and Pink 3) Disney new one- The Princess and the Frog 4)"The Lion One" I'm not sure what she's talking about. 5) The Zoo! 6) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! 7) Princesses Bonus: Balls, of course!!

Get any of them right???

Please, share!


jenaprn08 said...

That was fun. I thought I knew most of the answers but got caught on her favorite book--I don't know what the "Lion one" is either. I have had fun reading more to her recently.

Joan said...

I got 4 out of 7 - zebra, pink, zoo and balls!

Amy said...

yeah, some of her answers surprised me too. the book one is just completely random!

Barbara Irwin said...

I guessed who her favorite cousin was!
