Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Picture with a 1000 words or less: New Moon

I have not yet seen it.

Mom, Abby, and Katy (not pictured) saw it opening night Friday morning at midnight...

I stayed home writing a paper.

Ahh, the life of a grad student. So Glamorous.

Dad was nice enough to keep me company. I know it broke his heart to stay away from that teenage love triangle and watch sports center instead.

Is there anyone out there that was planning on seeing it but has not seen it yet? Abby has been nice enough to volunteer to see it again with me ...if I make her. I'm sure it'll take a lot of convincing.


Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! Preston and I waited until the screaming girls/women had seen it before going. We made the mistake last year of seeing Twilight on opening day and it was ridiculous! There were 40 year old women that screamed with Robert Pattinson came on the screen. Anyways, we saw it last night and it was great. There were only a handful of people and no screaming ones at that! I hope you're able to find someone to go with soon.

P.S. I hope you did well on your paper!

Abby said...

Of course I'll go with you! You only have to ask. ;)

Joan said...

Too bad Robby is out here with us instead of South Carolina (too bad for you, not us!). I know he would want to go.

eNJay & B said...

We plan on seeing it once it comes to the dollar movies here. So I guess in a year and a half then. B

jenaprn08 said...

We can go again...I wouldn't mind seeing it a second time.
