Monday, November 16, 2009

Larger than life...

Today as Eliza and I played imaginary picnic or "Pig-nack" inside the McDonald's playplace, she told me, "Mommy, no! You sit there, and I'm going outside." I redirected to her and told her to say please and speak nicely, so she did.

As she climbed back in to the little space we'd been playing in, I switched sides so she could get in to the small rectangular space easier.

"No! That's MY chair!" I redirected her manners again, but cracked up that apparently her imagination was detailed enough to include chairs. I moved back to my "chair" and helped support her little body as she climbed over the rope divider.

As I put my hands on her to lift her up and over, I had a distinct impression of just how enormous this little person's spirit and personality was. I was awed at her power and intelligence... and I felt grateful to be a person in her life who could be there to "help" and assist her...

...even if all I was doing at the time was trying to not ruin her "pig-nack."

I love my little, larger-than-life, Eliza!


jenaprn08 said...

What an amazing spirit inside that little body--you were like that, too.

Joan said...

She sure is fun to play with. I loved watching you two interact, too. Pure love on both sides. I feel so lucky that I got to visit.

Barbara Irwin said...

Eliza is quite an incredible little person! I am so glad you share pictures and stories about her on your blog, Amy!
