They will be gone for 11 days!!! EEk! That seems like such a LONG time. I've never been away from Eliza that long before!!!
But I hope they have a fabulous time at the wedding and have lots of fun stories and pictures to share when they get back!
... and a big congrats to Davey and Bianca on the impending nuptials!
My fall semester just started so hopefully that will help me stay busy. They also let me borrow play therapy session videos from my internship so that should be some interesting viewing! I don't know why Robby doesn't want to watch them with me...
I'm also taking a course called Family Dynamics and Substance Abuse, and one of the requirements is to attend 3 open group self-help sessions of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Al Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics, or Codependents Anonymous. I've been before but not here so I think I'll try to get that done while Steve and Eliza are gone...
... and gonna try to find other stuff to do to keep myself busy and not miss them too much...
My mom and I got Eliza little presents before she left and wrapped them up to take on the trip. There's one for her to open each day she's gone. Some are dress up shoes, another is a rice krispe treat, another is a little tutu, another is a book, etc. But they're from "Mommy" in hopes that it'll help her remember and know that she has a Mommy that loves her very much even if she hasn't seen me that day-- or in 9 days. We'll see how it goes...! Yay, for Skype.
She will do great with Daddy Steve who is so good to her--and she knows her Mommy loves her. She will be very attached when she gets back, I bet! (Jen again)
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