Saturday, January 3, 2009

New York, New York

Steve, Eliza, and I are headed to NYC next Friday!

We're sooo excited, and we get to stay for a WHOLE week! Steve and I haven't been back there since the Summer of '06 when we interned there.

I'm going to be checking out some grad schools while we're there, but we're still going to have plenty of time for fun! One of my best friends from BYU lives in Queens and just graduated with her masters in social work, so I can't wait to catch up with her either!
My great Aunt Julie and her husband are going on a week long cruise, so we'll be cat-sitting/apartment-sitting for her for the week. It is sooo nice of her to let us stay at their awesome apartment.

Fore years she has worked as a children's volunteer at art museums (after quite the advertising career), and she said she'd leave us lots of fun ideas for things we can check out.........

...But we also wanted to ask all of you pro-NYC-veterans out there for any Hot Spot recommendations you might have! Especially family friendly for a 20 month old! Or fun eateries! Or surviving NYC on a budget!

We would LOVE to hear any tips, directions, or advice!

For example, strollers on the subway? Yes or no?

And where was that really awesome gelato place that we went to a few summers ago when all the Capener's were together?

Please help us out and send us tips either in the comments section or an email if you can! Thanks, guys!

Wish us luck in the big city!


Leigh This Way said...

That sounds like so much fun!

jenaprn08 said...

It sounds like an adventure! I hope you enjoy your vacation. Take your phone charger so I can get updates on the fun.

LaNelle said...

Well I've never gone with a little one, but I LOVE New York City! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Mike, Haley, and Emma said...

That sounds like so much fun!
I'm so jealous - you'll have such a great time!

eNJay & B said...

unfortunately i don't have any recommendations. but enjoy. that will be a lot of fun for you all. and if you have the place to stay part taken care of, i think you could do nyc pretty cheaply.

Thirdmango said...

If Steve feels the need, he should contact our old friend Sven Patrick Svensson and his wife Kristin Shirts, as they live in NYC and can let you guys know of these things.

Rebecca said...

How exciting! You must post what you decide to do about strollers on the subway. Not that I'm going to any big city any time soon and desperately need to know. I've just always been curious how you get around a big city with a baby or toddler!

Kalia said...

I know people do strollers on the subways, because we saw a scary video on Maury with a lady who stepped off, went to pull the stroller out behind her, but wasn't quick enough, and the door shut on it, and the train started going and she barely unbelted the child and yanked her out of the stroller before it took off fast. She fell with the baby it happened so fast. Scary, but if you don't get stuck in the doors, it's probably a great idea having a stroller. You'll have to tell everyone how it went. I wish there were more safety precautions to avoid problems like that, it could have ended badly.
