Monday, March 3, 2008

Through a glass brightly

1 Corinthians 13:11-12

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass darkly;
but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

The Glass mentioned in this scripture may really be referring to a mirror, which when kept polished, can give us a close-up view of ourselves. Sometimes I resent what I see in the mirror, imperfections or the same ole somebody. But I am grateful that I am known and can someday see or sometimes get glimpses, of how Heavenly Father sees me or knows me.

I love the perspective I get by being a front row observer of Eliza's child-like understanding of this world: the beauty of shiny metal on the grocery cart handle, the sound of bean sprouts shaking in a plastic produce bag, the sweet taste and sensation of a juicy citrus never tried before, and the mystery and potential in each new face that crosses her line of vision. . .

So here's a fun face-lift for our ole blog with a new name and some new color-- to celebrate the glass that Eliza holds up for us to see and catch a glimpse with of her world!

It can be a little simple, maybe sometimes a little childish, other times darkly, but mostly just brightly...


jenaprn08 said...

I like the new look. I believe that is one of the most amazing things about interacting with children: we get to see the world through their eyes, and it is wondrous and beautiful!

Joe and Tammy said...

Amy, i LOVE it!! and i love your insight. i sometimes get caught up in what i'm doing. so i try to remember to take a step back from it and just watch the kids. and then get on their level and try to understand how they experience things, and wonder what they are thinking. i've never read that scripture before (that i can remember). it made me think of the veil--i could be way off. motherhood, though frustrating and worrysome at times, is truly a blessing.

Anonymous said...

how beautiful!!

Abby said...

I like the bubbles. And, see! We're not the only people who comment on your blog! ;)

LaNelle said...

I love your thoughts! And can I just say that the picture on the right side of your blog that is Eliza's black and white picture is gorgeous! I love it!

Amy said...

thanks, guys! I've been trying to figure out how to re-do our template for a while. and I've been amazed at the 'Eliza perspective' these last 10 mnths! just like the picture of her by our sliding door- what's so interesting about blinds that makes her visit that spot like 10 x's a day!?

Tammy, I hadn't remembered that scripture, either, but our bishop was talking about it in my sisters' institute class last week, and it really struck me (although I had to ask Steve what the reference was and he knew it). the footnote says that it's referencing the veil too, so you're right on!
