Thursday, March 13, 2008

Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back

Well, Eliza must be crack-steppin' because this week she broke my back. Or I broke my back caring for her. Ouch. So sad for me. And we're moving next week.

I suddenly had terrible lower back pain last Friday evening, but thought it would just go away. It didn't and all weekend I was wincing. I hurt when I sat down, when I was standing, and even when I was lying down.

I got an appointment with my doctor on Monday morning because I thought I must be dying (jk), and he showed me a few stretches to do and said otherwise, if the pain doesn't go away in 2-4 wks, he'd refer me to a physical therapist. So that's neat.

I later remembered that on Friday, I spent several hours with Eliza in the backpack while we tromped around on the downtown mall to the Children's Discovery Museum and visited some of the other cute boutiques and shops down there while we waited for Steve to get off work.

So here's my whine. I have a bad back. I thought I was done with all the back pain once I finished with my pregnancy. But apparently all the bending and lifting of my 20 lb baby, the stroller, carseat, fully-loaded diaper bag, etc. hasn't really helped either.

BUT....I feel like keeping up with my squirmy, energized 10 mnth old is hard enough without this new pain.

Wah, wah, wah. As Oma would say when I was younger-- "Someboday call the Waambulence. Wah-ah-waha-waha!"

Okay, I'm done. If you read through this whole thing, you deserve a gold star.


Abby said...

Ahhh! Poor Mama Any!

jenaprn08 said...

Back pain is really frustrating though, because you can never get comfortable. If your back in hurting, it doesn't help to sit, stand or lie down--it hurts no matter what position you are I empathize. Take good care of yourself!

Just Katy said...

My back starts to hurt if I stop stretching. I should stretch every morning but I'm lazy and it takes the crazy pain to get me motivated. We should do yoga together some time.

Davey Morrison Dillard said...

a gold star for davey.

Dear Steve: write a kid's book and call it A Gold Star For Davey.
