Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Tuesday: some sickness, some drawing, some parenting

Many of you know that Eliza and I have been sick for a while. It's so sad (but cute) when Eliza's sick.

I've also been sick and have had some sort of cough/cold for over a month now. And unlike Eliza, I am NOT cute when I am sick. And I've felt bad coughing and wheezing and blowing my nose in front of clients at work.

I finally broke down and went to the doctor today, and he thinks it might be walking pneumonia. NEAT. So I got medicine and an inhaler. And I REALLY hope I'll start feeling better.

But one reason I kept putting off the doctor's appointment was because ELIZA IS CRAZY!!! She cannot be contained!
(I know you're thinking, this SWEET little girl?)

Eliza is obsessed with opening and closing doors recently and managed to like lock the nurses out of the back office for a while while we were in the waiting room.
Then when I was back in the room meeting with the doctor, they had me change into one of those hospital gowns to listen to my lungs and stuff. Eliza was reeking havoc around the room. She climbed into the cupboard under the sink, opened up drawers and started to empty out file folders. Then she asked to be set up on the table thing that has the paper covering it. She had been pretending to snore on it earlier so I thought she'd do that again. Instead she tore and shredded all of the paper off of the table and threw it onto the floor.
Then while the doctor was checking my ears and stuff, Eliza managed to reach the doorknob, open the door and make a run for it down the hall. I ran after to her, trying to pinch my hospital gown together in the back with one hand and catch Eliza with the other! ahhhhh!
We had already gone to the park earlier (where Eliza took a bath in the muddy puddles in outfit #1 of the day) and she hadn't even had a nap yet, so I didn't think she'd have that much energy... but I was sooo wrong.


Also today...
I guess this is a milestone. Eliza drew on the wall with crayons for the first time today. She LOVES to draw, which we're very happy about. The world is her easel! but I'm not sure if I'm really happy about that.
Steve's still going strong, though. Working hard like always! I'm so grateful to have such a hardworking (and extremely talented) husband who is also such a committed and loving dad. He is so good with Eliza, even after he's already put in a long day at work. Yay for Steve!
On the days that I work, Steve wakes up at 6am and catches the bus so that Eliza and I can have the car. Then he works his 8 or so hours and comes home by 3pm, so that I can run to work. Then he chases after Eliza outside and inside for a few hours, feeds her dinner, bathes her, gets her in her jammies, reads her stories, then sings to her in her crib. All by himself.

He rocks my world!


Joan said...

Woah. Someone has way too much energy. I don't know how you keep up with her.

Barbara said...

It sounds like you do have a great husband! Wow, what an eventful Tuesday. I hope you and Eliza are feeling better.

Just Katy said...

Eliza is sooo grown up. I want some of that boundless energy. Don't you wish you could suck it out of her and use it for yourself. (Hmm that sounds more terrible than I mean it)
