Sunday, June 8, 2008

How does your garden grow: Part II

It started out like this...

And now it looks like this...I took this picture at the end of April/early May

And now a month later, it's like this....Here's a shot of our backyard last month with the pretty Azalea's growing. Yay for Southern foliage!

The tomato plants were almost a measely foot tall when I planted them. Now they're almost five feet tall! They've totally outgrown the original cages I put in to support them. Here's a shot of our house/duplex in case anyone's curious. We're lovin' it!

Here are the first 2 "fruits" I was able to harvest from my gardening venture. My calla lillies! Calla Lillies are my FAVORITE flower, and I have some planted in a flower box in front of our front porch now. I clipped these two as a visual for our primary lesson on Korihor and Alma's testimony of "all things denote that there is a God." There are signs all around us of God's grand design and plan... especially in nature.

And for those of you with little or no interest in garden updates and only hit up this blog to check out the HOT-MOMMA pics of Eliza, here are two good 'uns!

Eliza helping me garden:

And Eliza eating fruit from another's garden:
Yep, that's one hot baby!


Abby said...

Good job, Amy! Our garden used to be pretty wimpy, but then we used fertilizer and it just has done really well. (Wow, I sound like a fertilizer commercial.) I like the pictures. Nice one of Eliza gnawing!

Just Katy said...

I'm so jealous! That's a beautiful looking garden. I'm looking forward to those tomatoes.

Barbara Irwin said...

How fun to see what it is like where you live. Everything is so green and beautiful! Looks like a great garden.

jenaprn08 said...

Your garden looks great. Ours has perked up a bit. It's been so hot, though. I hope our tomatoes survive. I have seen folks picking peaches in the peach orchards. I will bring some with me when I meet you in Clt.

Sarah H said...

We planted a tomato plant in in our back yard. I'm getting a little nervous that it won't produce anything. It has grown a lot though.
