Saturday, June 5, 2010

This is the end. This is the calm.

I hopped on my bike yesterday and went for a really nice ride. The thermometer said it was 83 degrees outside, but the sun was hiding behind the clouds. There was a really nice breeze.

My ride was revitalizing and empowering. There's something wonderful about making my body push itself to it's limits-- feeling my heart pounding in my chest, my lungs reaching for air, and my muscles burning. I felt strong.

I like to have destinations for my bike rides, though, and this bike ride will probably have the most significant destination of all the others! I biked over to Main Street in Lexington, across from the county courthouse- my lawyer's office.

They had the papers waiting for me at the bottom floor office. I initialed 8 pages and signed the last. My heart was still beating hard from my pedaling, and I could hear my blood beating through my ears as I flipped from one page to the next. My initials, AMM, above the initials that were already there, SAM.

And it was done.

I picked up my bike helmet and left. I biked some more around Lexington without much thought put into where I was headed. I vaguely thought about how many of those roads were the same ones I biked on 10 years ago... 10 years ago when everything was so much less complicated. I'd never been on a date before, never had a boyfriend, never shared a kiss... Things were so much less complicated then, although, there is great irony in that statement because I would NEVER want to repeat being 14 years old.

Things were simpler but far more confusing than now.

I may now feel weighted down by more baggage at the age of 24- the pain of heart breaks, the stress of poverty, the loneliness of leaving home and trying to find independence, depression-- BUT the difference is... I am much less CONFUSED and LOST.

Somehow, through this divorce, I have found myself again. I don't think that's what usually happens to people when they get divorce. But for the first time in YEARS, I don't feel lost.

I have peace. I have a home. I have the atonement working in my life. I have hope and faith.

I'm working on having patience!

and I have Eliza...

... and I still have a friend in Steve. It's not the relationship we had hoped to have with each other, but we've made a decision. No longer husband and wife- now we'll have new titles. Exes, Co-parents, divorcees. To those titles we've signed our names.

But the title of friend is what I value most.

And I think I'll take another bike ride.


Joan said...

Congrats on coming through it all to a place of calm. No small feat I'm sure.

Kim said...

You inspire me!!!

Jaime said...

Wise words. I think I could learn a few things from you, Amy. Glad to know that you're free in so many ways. Good luck on your next bike ride...

Just Katy said...

I'm in awe.

Jean Bean said...

Your post gave me shivers all over. Oh Amy, what a women of strength you are. It reminds me of a quote, "If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical, we are human beings and we have faith and we have hope." God bless you, sweet dear beautiful friend. The future is yours, and the lessons learned are yours too. You are in a good place.

Jennifer said...

I heard some of these sentiments in the testimony you bore on Sunday. You have done so much to find healing and peace in this year. The Lord has blessed us all to find the peace we were seeking...

Morgan said...

I am so glad to have you as a friend. I am grateful for your insight and humor. We need to set a date for doing something with just grown ups.
