Monday, December 28, 2009

How well do you know Eliza? Quiz

Eliza has loved telling people what some of her favorite things are lately, ever since she was asked what her favorite animal was in gymnastics class in September!

Although, with some things, she has new favorites every day and loves to anounce, "That's my FAAAaaavorite!"

So I asked Eliza to report on some of her favorites. You can test your knowledge on how well you know Eliza or get to know her a little better from these clips!

1) What's her favorite animal?

2) What is her favorite color?

3) What is her favorite movie?

4) What is her favorite book?

5) Where is her favorite place to go?

6) What is her favorite TV show?

7) What is her favorite toy + Bonus Question: What's Reuben's favorite toy??

Answers: 1) Zebra 2) Purple and Pink 3) Disney new one- The Princess and the Frog 4)"The Lion One" I'm not sure what she's talking about. 5) The Zoo! 6) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! 7) Princesses Bonus: Balls, of course!!

Get any of them right???

Please, share!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

For Eliza in Utah

Here's a corny video I made for Eliza who is in Utah right now with her dad.

I'm posting it specifically for her, but if anyone else would like to watch they can (probably won't be very exciting).

I love my Eliza girl.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The many FACES of Eliza!

(Click on picture to see a larger version)

Best Christmas EVER!

(Well, at least she loved the panda!)

Contrary to what this picture seems to depict, this year seems to be turning out to be the best Christmas ever!!!

My criteria for that declaration relates to Eliza's comprehension and interest level in the magic of this holiday season!

She has manifest this through her obsession with presents, Santa ("What's Santa saying, Mom?"), UNCLE ROBBY (more about that later), hanging candy canes on the Christmas tree "all-by-m'self!, the Christmas tree, Christmas lights, baby Jesus, a plethura of Christmas books, and .... presents!

She is SO much fun and totally has made the angry mobs of Christmas shoppers and drivers more bearable! hehe.

And check this out:

Love her sooooo much!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I love YOUR little brain, Mommy!

Eliza has moved on (somewhat) from asking Why? about everything. Now she has starting asking about what everybody and everything is thinking, but instead she asks, what are they saying.

What is Grandpa saying? What is the kitty saying?

She asks this a lot when we're not around the cat or dog or grandpa.

Lots of times I make up something. Usually if we're out running errands, and Eliza asks me what Zara (the dog) is saying, I tell her- "Zara's going [insert snore sound] because she's sleeping!" or "She's saying. I wish Eliza would come home! I want to play with her so so so so much!"

So a normal conversation while driving in the car:

Eliza: Mommy, what's Oma saying?
Me: Oma's saying, I better go help those sick kids!
Eliza: Why?
Me: 'Cuz that's what Oma does! She helps sick kids feel all better, just like the doctor! (pediatric nurse practitioner's hard to say)
Eliza: What's Grandpa sayin?
Me: Grandpa's saying, Man! I need to get this computer to work!
Eliza: Why?
Me: Because that's what grandpa does for work. He helps computers so they don't get broken.
Eliza: Mommy, whatch u sayin'?
Me: I'm saying, It's so fun to be with Eliza! She is such a fun girl to play with! Fun, fun, fun!
Eliza: What's Abby sayin? and on and on and on...

One of Eliza's favorite people to ask about is her cousin, Reuben.

I enjoy answering about Reuben because usually I can say, "I think Reuben's saying, I'm sleepy!"
Eliza: "Why?"
Me: "Because it's sleepy time. It's time for kids to go to bed."
Me: "I think Reuben's saying, I'm hungry! Let's eat lunch!" Eliza: "Why?" Me: "Because it's lunch time, and we need to eat our food all up before we go play!"

Steve told me that one morning Eliza asked him...
Eliza: "Daddy, what's the sun saying?"
Steve: "I don't know. What do you think the sun's saying?"
Eliza, using a deep, husky voice: "Where IS everybody?!"
Apparently the sun talks kind of like Ernie from Sesame Street.

After I heard this story, I was laughing really hard about it and said to Eliza
Me: "Oh, 'Liza, I love your little brain!"
Eliza immediately responded with: "I love YOUR little brain TOO, Mommy!"
I cracked up more and Eliza giggled and said: "We're talkin' bout funny stuff, huh, guys?"

Eliza's best quote of all is from Halloween night. We had dumped out all of her candy from her pumpkin pail and laid it out. She studied it and then suddenly began jumping up and down yelling, "Yippeeee! It's not DOG FODD!"

Here's a video of it:

We have NO idea where that came from. I swear I don't feed my daughter dog food...

Eliza's becoming a proper and bonafide Southern girl, as well, and seems to have mastered her "Yes ma'am's!" It's adorable... although she's still learning to use yes sirs instead of yes ma'ams with men... but that's adorable too, just in a different way.

I've also really enjoyed that Eliza has started saying, unsolicited, "I love you soooo much, Mommy!"

And sometimes when I say something to Eliza like, "Here you go, sweetheart."

Eliza will look up at me and say, "Mommy, I your sweetheart?"

Yes, Eliza, yes. You are my sweetheart.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Wish List anyone?

Todays Mama and Provo Craft are offering $3800 in prizes, including a Madsen bicycle, Amber Alert GPS, and goodies from Provo Craft! FUN!


All you need to do is:

Answer the following questions and send a link back to Today’s Mama and Provo Craft using this link. Then, tag 10 friends.

All instructions here.

AND I actually thought the questions were fun, sooo...

1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year?

  • Black clogs that have thick rubber soles and can be comfortable but nice enough to wear to work. Something like this or maybe this or go for really fun, not as practical with this or this or this! or this ... OK, I'll just go make a shoe wish list on Amazon.
  • A new charger for my camera so I can finally use it again!

  • Music to work out to on my IPOD or clothes to work out in.

  • Next semester's textbooks paid for. (pretty boring, right?)

  • Target Gift Card (that's kind of a wish for more wishes stunt)

Can I add a dream list?
  • Iphone
  • A Job lined up for when I graduate in May?!! that I enjoy, has flexible hours, and benefits. Too much to ask?

  • Kindle
  • My own house

  • Furniture

2. What is your favorite handmade gift you ever received?

  • Probably Aunt Joan's origami money creations that I look forward to getting every year! In the past I've received a money picture frame, jewelry, mobile of cranes, and much much more awesome origami.

3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?

  • Maybe to sew or embroider something for my mom or sisters. Last year I made them all purple beaded necklaces! Mom's the only one who wears hers, though.

4. What was the best Christmas gift you ever received as a child?

  • Hmm, hard to pick just one. The year that grandpa got us a trampoline was pretty exciting. The little boom box I got at age 11 pretty much rocked my world for years until someone broke into our house and stole it. But then insurance gave us money to replace it so I got an even bigger stereo that I still have/use today!

5. What items are top on your kids’ wish list this year?

  • Probably anything princess (suppressing gag).

  • Art supplies

  • A Dollhouse with little toy people or animals to play in it!

Eliza is SUCH a thankful child. Lots of times when I hand something to her, be it a sippy cup, her rain coat, a stuffed animal, or some food, she says so enthusiastically, "Mommy you got this for me? From the store? Oh, THANK YOU, MOMMY!" It's soo cute and sweet.

Then she goes around and tells everyone, "My mommy got me a new [raincoat]!" even though she's had it for months already. So maybe I'll wrap a beanie baby that we already own, and I bet she'll still be excited! (I'm on a tight budget, ok?)

Eliza also pretends to give people and her toys imaginary presents and has me act out that they unwrap them and are so excited to see that they got an imaginary flower, some fruit, a toy, a sticker, a toothbrush, or some other random object that Eliza has an affinity for.

6. What is your favorite holiday food?

  • Peppermint Ice Cream or Chic-fil-a's peppermint chocolate chip shake. YUM!
  • Mom's Christmas wreath cookies and gingerbread cookies.

  • Our shepherd's meal on Christmas eve where we eat what the shepherds might have eaten before they saw the star... homemade bread, cheese, dried fruit, grape juice, nuts, and some fresh fruit. We all sit down and eat it picnic style by the fireplace and read the nativity story.

7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?

  • A new fabric quiet book for Eliza for church! We already have two that Mom and I made for Abby back in the day, and Eliza loves 'em! but they've lost some of their pieces.

  • I have some other things in the works, but mums the word!

8. Favorite holiday songs:

  • Winter Song by Sarah Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

  • Straight-up hymns

  • MoTab carols

  • Some classical music that I don't feel like talking about.

9. Favorite holiday pastime?

  • Sleeping
  • Eating
  • Playing games with my family!
  • Baking with my mom.
  • This year, studying for my MSW licensure exam that's in February!

Now tag 10 friends:

What if i don't have 10 friends, especially who have blogs? Umm, Katy, Abby, Mom, Aunt Barbara, Jennifer, Rebecca, Abigail, Kim, Sheridan Ladies!, Sarah H., Sarah A., your mother, and you if you're reading this!

BUT it won't hurt my feelings if you're not feeling it!
