Sunday, July 18, 2010

Super Sweet Synopses

Paragraph 'o Excuses for lack of blogging: Our main computer on which I upload/edit/save photos on got displaced because of the remodeling. I've been using my netbook only. No pictures = boring blog in my mind. Hence, no posts. But we'll see what I can do!

Good news: I lost 10 freakin' pounds in the last 3 weeks! And as opposed to the last time I lost about that much weight, I don't have an ulcer or random undiagnosed infection like last January! I've been following the basic premise of weight watchers but not doing meetings or paying for anything. I just use their chart to factor in points (calories/fat/fiber). I've been exercising but not as much as I could.
Bad news: We have been living without a kitchen for over a week now because of remodeling! Ahhhhh! We have all been living off of microwavable meals and eating out. I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat a microwavable pasta meal again in MY LIFE! I'm really not trying to be whiny, seriously. Luckily, eating cereal 2 to 3 x's a day has not made me sick of cereal. It's made me AWESOME. Some fav's include Fruit Loops w/ Marshmellows, Lucky Charms, Kashi Berry Crunch, and Cracklin' Oat Bran! (I eat the sugar cereal w/ skim milk for a treat instead of ice cream these days!)

Yummy news: This Half NAked popcorn rocks my socks! I only like it for the name. Kidding, it's really healthy but yummy for the munchies! Good news: I now get to carry a card around in my wallet that says I am Licensed in the State of South Carolina to practice social work at the masters level! What, what!! A card carrying member ... AND my boss actually asked me for my license # the other day for medicaid stuff, and I got to be like, "Check this. Here's my card!"

Bad news:
Eliza doesn't take naps.

Good news:
No more pacifiers.

Music news: This song is a little old, but the video is awesome and it's TOTALLY MY LIFE! (totally an original thing to say)
Check it out:

Awesome news:
Last Monday Abby helped me grilllllllll some of the best chicken you've EVER had in your LIFE on our bbq during a severe weather alert thunderstorm. Yeah, we're that cool. Later that night, we all roasted marshmallows and had s'mores for our Family Home Evening (FHE) treat.

Sad news: Eliza wouldn't even TRY to eat a s'more! Nor would she even try a bite of my oatmeal drop/no bake cookies for FHE the week before. That's like the epitome of the FHE treat experience. But no- not one bite. Normally, I'd be like, "Fine! More for me!" But since I'm watching my diet, I was like, "Crap! More for me!" Weird news: Why is marshmallow not spelled marshmellow. 'Cuz that's totally how everyone says it. But I guess a world that spelled all things phonetically, is not a world I would want to live in anyways.

Random news:
Now I want to go eat at the Mellow Mushroom. Numm num num.

Movie news:
I watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It's plot had some "god" awful holes in it. I saw Eclipse, and it was some super giggly fun. Although, my friend and I weren't always giggling at the parts people were supposed to giggle at. And our giggling might be considered to be more like snickering... It reminded me of how stupid I was when I was 18 years old. Good thing I didn't let any vampire bite me back then, though.
GREATEST NEWS: Oma (my grandmother, Rosalie) now resides with us! Yeah, that's four generations under one roof, BABY! We're like one hippy away from becoming a commune... and LOVIN' it!

Doggy news:
Oma's pooch, Cali, also resides with us! It's like the most exciting thing that's ever happened for these poodles here. Finnegan's stickin' to the basement. All bets are out for who learns to use the new doggy door first- Finnegan or Cali!

How-it-relates-to-Eliza news
: Eliza's pretty ecstatic about Cali and "Oma Rosie" as well!! Hopefully Oma won't get too sick of Eliza's little knocks on her bedroom door.

Literary news:
I am reading "Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules," which is edited and introduced by David Sedaris. It's sick, yo. In the good way. Car news: My car's in the shop. Lame-o.

Sports news:
Dad and I have been rockin' out on the volleyball court! Indoor AND outdoor! That's right! We play with the BAPTISTS! aka our really sweet neighbor who also lets Eliza swim in their pool whenever we want. LOVELY!

Secret News:
Did you actually think I'd write a secret on my blog? Come on! This is for public defamation only!

Mothering news:
I put Eliza to sleep TWICE today by telling her two of my ridunculously awesome princess stories. Sleeping Beauty in the car on the way home from Columbia and Little Mermaid tonight at bedtime... my beautifully detailed accounts were just so gripping that she probably had just no choice but to pass out from excitement....hmm.

Family gossip news: Katy's baby is due this week, and she has a birthday as well! Robby just returned from a wedding with his GURL friend. Not their wedding. Her sister's. Abby spent the weekend in NYC with our great Aunt Julie.

Thoughtful news:
Sometimes the people you grew up with turn out to be just like you thought they would. That's probably disappointing for them.

Cuisine news:
I made some delectible lasagna for the Branch Brunch today. I didn't personally receive any compliments on it (besides Jean Marie but she doesn't count b/c she would say it tasted good even if you gave her something wretched like refried beans), but I thought it tasted like one of the best lasagnas I've ever made. And I RARELY ever fully like/approve the food I make. Oh, and the pan was empty, so I guess that could be a sort of compliment ... or a sign that single adults will eat pretty much any food as long as it's free. No, but REALLY it was delicious lasagna.

Verb Conjugation news:
Eliza really likes to run races. Afterwards, she likes to announce, "I beated you!" I tried to correct her verb usage, telling her, "I beat you." And Eliza said, "I beated you!" Me: "No, say, I beat you." Eliza, growing frustrated: "No, mommy, I beated you!" Me: "Ohhh, yes, you did BEAT me." She's already competitive, but not in the race of the grammatically correct.

Oral Hygiene news:
Eliza and I are going to the dentist on Tuesday! It's her first time!!! I hope it goes okay. She has some arching on her front teeth from the pacifier and possibly some weakened enamel in the front teeth too. :/ Scary news: My insurance benefits through USC end next month. This means that I either need to pick up another part time/full time job or get a full time job at The Nurturing Center. Big decision time coming up! Wish me luck. I've had a couple interviews. Let me know if they pay the social workers in your area big bucks! I heard they're paying like about $10/hr more in DC than here for some of the social work positions. Too bad I really, really like it here in SC (most of the time)!


Jean Bean said...

Hey hey, this was a super awesome post! I LOVE how creative you are with words - ahh, what a breath of fresh air!!

Also, JM's affirmation thought: Your lasagna really was good! I scraped the bottom of the dish, if that says anything. I have heretofore never done such a thing at a branch brunch.

JM's question thought: How did your interview go on Friday??? I would love to know. We must catch up.


Just Katy said...

Wow, great update! Congrats on the -10 lbs. I think I'd eat cereal every meal if I could justify it nutritionally. So easy so quick and it doesn't heat up the house.

Jennifer said...

Fun post. I learned some great details about the past three weeks, too!

Joan said...

Very impressive, the 10 lb weight loss!
Also, love David Sedaris and get to go hear him in October!
