Friday, July 24, 2009


My little buddy, Mika, passed away tonight. He had been struggling with a heart condition and bladder cancer. I hope he is happy where he is and no longer in pain.

I had Mika, my little papillon, since I was about 16. He's been quite the companion. He didn't have the easiest life... he started out in a puppy mill... and spent the last two years of his life being terrorized by a toddler... but he was a good dog to me, and I'm grateful that I could have such a loyal, attentive doggy.

I'll miss him a lot.

Even though he was old and has been sick for a while, it's still hard to think of him as being gone... So many times in the last few months, I would find Mika lying down and have to lean down close to him to make sure he was still breathing, and I would breathe a sigh of relief to feel his warm fur and see his head pop up to greet me.

But tonight he's cold, and I won't get anymore enthusiastic greetings from him.

We'll bury him tomorrow in my parent's backyard along with my two other dear pets, Feliz (our sweet Balinese Kitty) and Lucy (our spunky Schiperke dog).
Two other "life-long" friends, departed.


Leigh This Way said...

I'm so sorry Amy. I know this is really hard for you since she was a member of your family and you had her for so long. We've only had Belle for 2 years but I can't imagine her being gone. She's the first pet that I've had that was really mine and not the family pet. I know your gonna miss Mika alot but just imagine her up in heaven being able to run around and do all the things that she used to do when she was younger but was unable to do later on in life. I know it doesn't take the pain away but maybe it'll help some.

Joan said...

So sorry to hear about Mika!! It's hard to watch pets suffer, and even harder to watch them go. Sometimes I think I don't want anymore pets because it's so hard when they die. I'm not that great with death...

Just Katy said...

A fitting tribute. Good bye Mika. You were a good dog.

jenaprn08 said...

I miss him too. I know he feels better now. He loved you--and was happiest when he was with you.

Libbi said...

I am sorry for your loss Amy. I can imagine a pet of yours would feel well loved!

Cole and Jenn said...

i am sorry you lost Mika. I remember he was a good little buddy for you and you were to him. Like your mom said, he feels better now- which I know is hard cuz you miss him. I will keep you in my prayers.
